Rethinking Antitrust

#19: National Champions & Competition Law

Episode Summary

Should the antitrust agencies apply a lower level of scrutiny to mergers or conduct in support of creating or maintaining “national champions.? Europe is discussing this, and the U.S. has some history in this area, which may become relevant again in the new Trump Administration. Bill Baer, formerly the Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust, U.S. Department of Justice and Director, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission, joins the podcast to discuss.

Episode Notes

Bio, Bill Baer

Bill Baer, What the US Learned and the EU Should Consider About National Champions, ProMarket (Jan. 7, 2025)

Bill Baer and Jack Malamud, Europe Needs Competition, Not National Champions, Brookings (Jul. 3, 2024)

William E. Kovacic, FTC Commissioner, Statement, In the Matter of Lockheed Martin / Boeing Company

William E. Kovacic, Competition Policy Retrospective: The Formation of The United Launch Alliance and The Ascent of SpaceX,  27 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 863 (2020)